I Am Not Gandhi Or Mandela Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman


 Keeping the past insight and the concerned Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Muhammad bin Salman is and has so far proved himself to be an exception.
 We have seen most of the children of the Kings being inactive, keeping the chair of a certain office just for the sake of formality an “abusing” both the money and the power entrusted upon them.
 Not only the ruling families and governments have gone through these issues but also many of the market giants follow the unfortunate culture of spoiled kids wasting the family and governments money along with the office and power.
 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is very lucky to have such heirloom who is bringing utmost changes along with the futuristic prospect and to boost up the economy of the Kingdom.
 Prince Muhammad bin Salman is young, ambitious and somehow modern yet moderate and doing tremendous efforts in changing the future look of the country along with the conservative and fundamental prospect most of us have about the country.
 In His recent TV interview in the United States, Prince Mohammad bin Salman disclosed a few facts about his personal wealth saying I am a rich person, I am not a poor person.
 I am not Gandhi or Mandela he added to his statement during the interview. Crown Prince also shared his income and said that his 51% personal income is spent on the charity and other people of the Kingdom.
 He said it is true that after 1979 the form of Islam that was practiced in the Kingdom was harsh and intolerant following the wave of conservatism that followed the takeover of the Grand Mosque by armed extremist.  His generation suffered a lot from this deal and we were the victim, said the young Crown Prince.
 He said this is not real Saudi Arabia as it was in the 60s and 70s and he recalled and appreciated the time of the Kingdom before 1979 when people of the Kingdom were living a normal life like the other Gulf countries people do. Women were seen driving cars, they worked everywhere in every field.
 There were movie theaters in the Kingdom and people were allowed to watch movies. He said the people of the Kingdom were living a normal life before 1979 but after 1979 everything changed. He said, In Sharia, the laws are very clear and stipulated.
 Women should wear a decent and respectful dress like men and it does not specify that a woman should wear a black abaya or black head cover to cover herself. Although this decision is left to women and they have the right to choose decent and respectful clothes to wear.
 He further said that the women are equal to men, we all are human beings and there is no difference in us.
 However, it is said that Saudi Arabia before 1979 is the base of the Kingdom after 2017. If we recall some saying of famous personalities, the culture of Kingdom before 1979 was moderately religious and was open to life and the future.
 The Crown Prince is efficiently working to drag the Kingdom to moderate Islam as it was before 1979.
 Source: Hindustan Times