Beware Of Fake Aamil And Healers In Saudi Arabia Haia Chief


 Ruqyah means reciting the verses of Holy Quran and saying supplication taught to us by our Holy Prophet PBUH to cure the sick, and bring him out from the deadly disease, and to secure them from the evil eye and black magic
 Muslim strongly believe in the treatment done by Ruqyah method. As a Muslim, I too believe that the Holy Verses of our Holy Book and the supplications can cure any disease by the will of Allah.
 No matter how much the world has progressed in medication or curing the diseases, many people still prefer to visit some Ruqyah healer to cure themselves by supplication or cupping therapy.
 The main problem has risen in the Kingdom nowadays is that many fake Ruqyah healers have settled in the Kingdom offering their services to their clients affected by black magic or genies and by doing this they are misusing the spiritual treatment system followed by our Prophet PBUH and his companions.
 They try to touch women and disrespect their honor. These facts were revealed by the chief of the Commission for the Promotion of virtue and prevention of vice (Haia) Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Sanad.
 He wrote a book and in his book, Al-Sanad explains that some people with weak faith have been exploiting the system for immoral purposes. They have memorized only two parts of the Holy Quran while some memorize only the last part.
 He said, these type of people are the most ignorant and they adopted Ruqyah as a healing system just to imitate others. However, there are also many people who have taken it as a profession after watching treatment of a relative by Ruqyah.
 These Ruqyah healers are not well educated while many of them are illiterate and they claim about their communication with the genies just to impress their clients. In his book, Al-Sanad also revealed amazing stories of fake Ruqyah healers.
 He said one of the practitioners did it at a water supply plant while another one did it in the toothpaste and some perform Ruqyah treatment through telephone and .
 These fake healers use to repeat a just particular verse of the Quran while some advice their clients to keep a specific verse of the Quran in their house to protect against genies and other sorcerers while some others advise their clients to say azan into a cup of water and drink it.
 HAIA chief said, there are practitioners who recite the Quran and pray for the whole family members and protect the whole house from sorcerers by doing Ruqyah at its corners.
 Many fake Ruqyah healer or practitioners have adopted this as a business just to earn some money and they charge huge fees reaching up to SR 10,000 for a single session of treatment while people demand accommodation saying they came from a far off place.  
 Some healers are so greedy that they frightened their customer that they are affected by black magic or sorcerers and people easily believe their lies because of weak mind and invite them to exploit us by getting ready to spend a huge amount of money.
 Courts for sexual abuse have filed eight cases against fake Ruqyah practitioners for treating and practicing the therapy without a license.
 A British practitioner of Arab origin was arrested who provided Ruqyah therapy without a license and used to charge huge amount of SR 35,000 for a session and was also accused of sexually harassing women while providing the cupping therapy.
 Lawyer Khaled Abu Rashid said such people deserve deterrent punishment and the public prosecutor has the authority to investigate excesses in such therapies including sexual abuse.
 Source: Saudi Gazette